Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Chapter of
The Explorers Club
We are 130 explorers and adventurers who are passionate about the advancement of field research and the ideal that it is vital to preserve the instinct to explore.
Upcoming events
Find out about our upcoming lectures featuring members of The Explorers Club, get-togethers, holiday parties, and other events for the Rocky Mountain Chapter.
Our next event is…
Past News and Events
Read out about our past lectures featuring members of The Explorers Club.
From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: How the Development of Outdoor Gear and Equipment Led to Modern-Day Exploration
RMEC Mentioned in Titan Disaster Op-Ed
Rocky Mt. Dinner Breaks Five-Year Attendance Record as Members “Share Their Bearings”
Andes Rugby Team Crash Recalled 50 Years Later
Van Arsdale Pens Encounters
Rocky Mt. Chapter Hosts First Live Virtual Tour of Research Collections – Live From New York!