Join Cassandra Brooks as she tells stories from the bottom of the world and her efforts to protect it. Brooks will share imagery and stories from her five research expeditions to Antarctica, including the challenges of conducting science operations and media in the windiest, coldest, and most extreme environment on earth. She will also share the incredible story of how she worked alongside a coalition of millions to protect the Ross Sea, Antarctica and how it now stands as the world’s largest marine protected area.
Come and listen and learn about Antarctica, and how beyond its extreme beauty, it also serves as a critically important global commons which is critically threatened by climate change and commercial fishing.
Prior to joining CU Boulder, she completed a Ph.D. at Stanford University, studying international ocean policy, with a focus on marine protection in the Antarctic. In her previous graduate work at Moss Landing Marine Labs, she studied Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea, a population that supports the most remote fishery on earth. Her efforts helped drive the adoption of the world’s largest marine protected area in the Ross Sea, Antarctica – one of the healthiest and most productive marine ecosystems left on Earth.
Brooks is taking action to safeguard this place, and invites you to join her. She is a recipient of the Explorers Club 50 award, Class of 2022.