May 16, 2024: The Ninety-Nines and Women in Aviation

Academy University Hill Chapel Hall
833 10th Street, Boulder, Colorado

Free admission, guests welcome, refreshments served

Join us as we examine the impact of the Ninety-Nines, founded by Amelia Earhart in 1929, on exploring and breaking barriers, Learn about the post-WWII start of women’s air racing and how the innovations of the Powder Puff Derby affected FAA rules, navigation, and the aviation industry. Also, how today’s air racing continues to evolve.

THE NINETY-NINES, INC.®, is an international organization of licensed women pilots from 44 countries based in Oklahoma City. Although there are other female pilot organizations in various states and nations, virtually all women of achievement in aviation have been or are members of The Ninety-Nines. This presentation will be given by Gretchen Jahn.

Gretchen Jahn is retired from a varied career in software engineering, startups, and manufacturing. In the aviation world she ran aircraft manufacturing companies in the U.S., New Zealand, and Germany. Gretchen has been a member of The Ninety-Nines since she received her pilot license in 1985, and has held offices in the organization at the local, regional, and international level.She has been a director or assistant director of the Air Race Classic since 2001. As an active air racer, this year will be her 27th Air Race Classic competition.

Our thanks to chapter member Cayte Bosler for initiating contact with Ms. Jahn.